Arts and Health: The integrative ... In the long and winding road of ... Art expression and the creative process are really manifestations of the drive toward health ...

Who doesn’t love to eat? What’s more important? Your waistline or your happiness? Explore delicious local foods while abroad – you won’t be ...

89 Words and Phrases You Should Know

Who doesn’t love to eat?
What’s more important? Your waistline or your happiness?
Explore delicious local foods while abroad – you won’t be sorry!
Spending time at restaurants can really factor into your cultural immersion and Spanish language learning experience.
Access to a fully-equipped kitchen can be hard to come by while traveling, and you may well prefer to dedicate your time to seeing the sights rather than grocery shopping (though I’ll be the first to tell you that exploring a local market can be extremely fun). Talk to locals, find out where the local hot spots are, and ask about regional cuisine. People love to talk about food as much as they love to eat it!
No plans to travel? Join in on the fun by visiting a local Mexican restaurant or Spanish tapas bar with a Spanish-speaking staff.
Before you arrive at your destination, equip yourself with the following words and phrases so you can order your meal like a native Spanish speaker!

If you've Chosen a swanky bistro That Is Regularly Flooded With devoted patrons, May you need to make a reservation ahead of time. Call them up on the phone and be sure to greet with a friendly salutation. Next, tell them "I would like to make a reservation for # people." "I would like to make a reservation for # person (s)." They will Then ask you, "Under Whose name?" "Under the name of whom? "

If you're like me and, uh, fail to plan well Typically in advance, you can slip into a full restaurant by Requesting a seat at the bar:

May I sit at the bar? - Could you sit at the bar? (Poh-dree-ah-sen tar-May in the bar)

Special dietary preferences are Often viewed with a suspicious eye in Latin America. You really need to specify your server With what it is that you 'can not eat. Clearly state:

I am vegetarian - I'm vegetarian, vegetarian (I'm veh-heh-tah-ree-ah-noh, veh-heh-tah-ree-ah-nah)

I am allergic to X'm allergic to X (tehn-goh ah-lehr-hee-ah ah)

I do not eat X - not as X. (not koh-moh)

I can not tell you how many times I've seen Ecuadorian restaurants serve meat-laden vegetarian soups disappointed to friends. So, my advice to you is to always double-check your order does not That Contain something you do not want to eat.

Navigating the restaurant

Restaurant - Restaurant (rehs-taur-rahn-teh)

To order - order (peh-deer)

I would like - I would like (kee-see-eh-rah)

The menu - the menu (EHL meh-noo)

Waiter, waitress - waiter (cah-mah-reh-roh), waitress (cah-mah-reh-rah)

Waiter, waitress (Latin America only) - mesero (meh-be-oh), a waitress (meh-be-ah)

Table - table (meh-sah)

Plate - plate (Plah-toh)

Fork - fork (teh-neh-door)

Spoon - Spoon (coo-chah-rah)

Knife - Knife (coo-chee-yoh)

Napkin - napkin (sehr-vee-yeh-tah)

Bill - account (kwehn-tah)

Bring me the check, please - Bring me the bill please (meh trai-gah-tah lah kwehn, poor fah-Vohr)

The paper-signing hand gesture translates smoothly enough. Most small restaurants in Latin American will not accept credit cards, credit cards (tahr-heh-tahs deh creh-dee-toh), so it's best to carry some cash, cash (eh-fek-tee-VOH), on hand in case of emergency.

Understanding regional food traditions

While traveling, always ask the locals:

What is the typical food of esta region? - What is the typical food of this region? (Koh-lah kwahl ehs mee-dah tee-pee-kah-tah deh ehs reh-hee-ohn)

What do you recommend? - What do you recomend? (Reh-koh meh keh-mee-ehn-dah) Do not be afraid to ask the waiter what I or she Recommends.

Drinks - Drinks (beh-bee-dahs)

When seated at a restaurant, the first thing to ask is what will waiter you'd like to drink. Know your vocabulary so you can refreshment get straight to reading the menu!

White wine - white wine (vee-noh-koh blahn)

Red wine - red wine (vee-noh teen-toh)

Coffee - coffee (cah-feh)

Iced tea - iced tea (teh eh-lah-doh)

Soda - cola (koh-lah)

Lemonade - Lemonade (moh-lee-nah-dah)

Juice - juice (hoo-goh)

Milkshake or smoothie - smoothie (bah-tee-doh)

Common flavors of juice or smoothie Might you like to order are:

Melon - Melon (meh-Lohn)

Watermelon - Watermelon (sahn-dee-ah)
Orange - Orage (rahn-hah-nah)
Strawberry - Strawberry (freh-sah) or strawberries (froo-tee-ah)
Grape - Grape (oo-vah)
Breakfast - Breakfast (deh-sah-yoo-noh)
Breakfast is arguably the Most Important meal of the day. Learn how to order breakfast so you can fuel your adventure-filled day abroad!
Bread - Bread (pahn)
Jam - Jam (mehr-meh-lah-dah)
Scrambled eggs - scrambled egg (reh-way-voh vwehl-toh)
Omelet - Tortilla (Tohr-tee-yah)
Bacn - Bacon (toh-see-noh)
Oatmeal - Oatmeal (ah-veh-nah) Do not be alarmed if you get something unexpected. In Latin America, oatmeal is served as a MOST Commonly cool, sweet beverage As opposed to the sticky glop you know and love. It's delicious!

Lunch - Lunch (ahl-mwer-zoh)

In Latin America it is very common to find yourself in a restaurant menu That has not. For lunch, local restaurant-goers will simply strut in, seat Themselves, and request "one lunch, please" - "lunch, please" (ahl-oon-zoh mwer, poor fah-Vohr). Give it a try!

An lunch is a great representation of common home cooking, and is Usually the best bargain. They serve something different daily, so you are welcome to ask:

What's for lunch today? - What you have lunch today? (Keh tee-eh-neh ehl ahl-mwer-zoh of oy)
What's today's menu? - What's today's menu? (Ehs kwahl ehl deh meh-noo oy)
Does this Come With X? - Comes with X? (Bee-ah-neh Kohn X)
Generally lunch includes:
Soup - Soup (soh-pah)
Entrée - main dish (Plah-toh FWER-teh). Usually this is a large plate with a huge heaping portion of rice and beans alongside small portions of meat and salad.
Dessert - dessert (poh-streh)
Dinner - Snack (meh-ree-dah-EHN) / Dinner (CEH-nah)
There are two words for dinner Commonly Used: snack and dinner. In MOST parts of Latin America, snack Refers to an average evening meal and dinner is reserved for special occasions - like a big Christmas Eve turkey dinner. In Spain, is a small meal snack meant to tide you over Between lunch and dinner. In Both contexts, afternoon tea is a light, simple meal - Often bread and cheese, a hot chocolate, or another modest snack. Do not worry though, after an authentic lunch there is a good chance you will not even be hungry by the evening!

Here's some menu lingo Important That will get you through any meal ordering:
Seafood - Seafood (mah-rees-Kohs)
Seafood, shellfish - seafood (mah-rees-Kohs)
Shrimp - Shrimp (kah-mah-rohn-s)
Crab - crab (kahn-greh-hoh)
Lobster - lobstr (lahn-GOHS-tah)
Fish - Fish (PEHS-kah-doh)
Squid - squid (pool-poh)
Tuna - Tuna (ah-toon)
Meats - Meat (car-nay)
Sausage - Chorizo ​​(CHOH-ree-zoh)
Ham - ham (hah-mohn)
Pork tenderloin - pork tenderloin (deh loh moh-be-doe)
Steak - steak (bees-tehk)
Turkey - Turkey (pah-VOH)
Quail - Quail (coh-dohr-neez)
Fruits and Vegetables - Fruits and vegetables (froo-Tah-doo-ee see rahs)
Asparagus - asparagus (ehs-pah-rah-GOHS)
Avocado - Avocado (ah-wah-kah-teh)
Chard  Chard (ah-gah-Sehl)
Eggplant - eggplant (beh-rehn-no-nah)
Pumpkin - Pumpkin (cah-lah-bah-zah)
Spinach - Spinach (eh-spee-nah-kah)
Food preparation
Fillet - steak (fee-leh-teh)
Grilled - Grilled
Roasted - Roast (ah-sah-doh)
In garlic sauce - garlic (ahl-ah-hee yoh)
Breaded - apanado (ah-pah-NAH-doh) or breading or regional very word Breaded *
Barbecued - grilled (lah ah pah-ree-yah)
Dessert - Dessert (poh-stray)
Cake - Cake (tor-tah) or cake (Spain)
Fruit salad - fruit salad (EHN-sah deh dah-lah-froo-tahs)
elatin (Jell-O) - gelatin (heh-lah-tee-nah)
Culinary Specialties of the Spanish-speaking world
Here's what you ve been waiting for! While at home or abroad, try to seek out traditional cuisine from the Spanish-speaking world to better immerse you in the language and culture. There's nothing better justifying That indulgence With an educational experience!
89 spanish vocabulary words phrases restaurant Ceviche
Ceviche - A lemony seafood soup served all along the coasts of Central and South America. Each country Has Its own distinct flavor and style!
spanish restaurant 89 vocabulary words phrases
hicharrón - Pork Rind extravaganza! This fried, seasoned pig skin is a beloved snack THROUGHOUT Latin America and parts of Spain.
spanish restaurant 89 vocabulary words phrases Churros
Churros - Crispy, sugar-coated fried dough - How Could anyone resist?
spanish restaurant 89 vocabulary words phrases
Sweet tres leches - A moist, super-sweet cake That features three forms of milk (natural, dried, and condensed).
spanish restaurant 89 vocabulary words phrases Gazpacho
Gazpacho - The cold, refreshing tomato soup popular in Spain.
spanish restaurant 89 vocabulary words phrases Paella
Paella - A classic Spanish rice dish That blends, beans, seafood, meat, and savory seasonings.
Cripples / Tostones - These crisp, fried plantain slices are a common side dish THROUGHOUT Latin America.

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